
My Story

was not interesting to me, when I thought about it. I thought who would want to learn about someone’s hard life. And I was hiding. When I learned about the need to relate to those who come to me, I see a lot of me in them. I realized that it’s okay to spill out the information.

I have been in a long situation of interdimensional interference throughout twelves years and those years were the hardest for me. I was not able to function like other people due to health issues. And every time I had to be present in life, I simply had to pull myself together and present the right attitude no matter how hard it was on my body. I was mostly sick and nobody knew. People could not understand when I spoke about my issue, including the people in my life who were my family. They felt I was probably dealing with a spirit who got attached and were only insistent on going to church and finding exorcists. I was not able to find an exorcist that could take care of my issues. It took many years to come to terms with the fact that I was no longer okay.

It appeared out of nowhere. One day I was sleeping and technology came over my body and I did not understand what it was. I was dealing with some interdimensional trap. Nobody ever spoke to me about non-benevolent ETs. I was firsthand dealing with it and I only thought of possession. I handled it to the level of my understanding, and I never realized what it was. When I finally learned about negative aliens, I was already down to such a degree that I could not rise spiritually to bring assistance from higher dimensions. It took many years to transcend these issues. I was battling the invisible enemy and could not find any contactee who would fix it for me. I went to many. I took sessions. I was absolutely struggling. And that pushed me to rise above and beyond my physical issues and bridge into Divine.

My first experience of God’s power was when I lied in bed, fully entangled in some invisible encasement, not able to feel well, I rose up and spoke to God and I claimed Him. I said to God, I can win this if you are with me. God heard my prayer. I was able to take off of me this negative technology by working with God directly. It came to be a possession device that was fully shutting down my brain and body. The Divine Force was shifting fields around me and I got to see how God moved the technologies out of me. I was free. I was absolutely damaged physically, but no longer carrying this horrible casket over my body. I simply realized that I could move any implant out of my body when I needed it. So, I learned this for myself and others. I can. God is as powerful as you are. And if you believe in God, you can.

Every time I see a person suffer, I resonate. I had to explore everything on a scale of 1 million compared to what you have experienced in your life. The physical pain that I experienced was multi-fold high bypassing any threshold of pain. I experienced everything from destruction to resurrection. I am here today empowered. I am. If you ever felt the least important in life, fully suppressed, demolished, destructed, fully abused, never rising up, I can resonate. I have today many ET teams working with me. I know EVERYTHING when it comes to negative interference. I have done the work on Humanity with my teams and today Earth is FREE from non-benevolence. I was with them. I am still working on many things with ETs, things like COVID, anything of interference, possession, non-benevolence.

And speaking about what I know, working with ETs is not the only thing I do. Almost always in every incarnation, I was enlightened on the subjects of spirit communication and psychic work. I can also see timelines and have worked on fixing Humanity timelines to align the issues with non-benevolent forces. Whenever you feel you have impossible issues in life, I am here. I do everything that nobody can. And I am not scared, I voided the fears and now know what it takes to succeed and overturn negative karmas of millions of years from my own lineage, and other people’s lineages. I know how to translate the messages stored in objects from any ages, I can read into any little sign. I can use psychometry to read objects, I also can read into DNA with my mind, and I can also shift you positively with my Divine Self. I see you from the highest point in the Divine. I am there. I transcended all of the impossibilities and ascended from my lowest point into God. I am in service.

For that reason, I know that I carry special knowledge and can assist you. If you are handling and juggling your issues, I can guide and take you on the path. If you are spiritual and love Ascension, I can take you into your Ascension. My courses are co-creating this opportunity for you. I also know higher love and work with The Goddess. She is my Mother. I am working with women, and I heal their psyche. I work with children and heal their issues from small to big. I also work with parents, grandparents, and lineages. I am able to work on spirit if the spirit is broken if their bodies are sick. I can restructure the bodies. I can be of value.

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If you feel you need to write to me and ask me questions, do so. I am available:

You can also call me and leave a message and your phone number at 480-242-6216.

No issue is big. We can look at what you are dealing with.
